Instander APk

Instander APK V17.2 Download Latest Version

Download Instander APK latest version for your Android. It’s come with a hilarious Ghost mode, hiding read messages and stories from specific followers. In addition, this excellent app allows users to download high-quality photos, videos, stories and reels.

App Information

App NameInstander APK
Versionv17.2 (Recently Updated)
Last UpdatedToday
Scan Report100% Free from Malware
Format of FileAPK File
PriceFREE to Use!
Size45.8 MB

The Instander APK allows users to download pictures, videos, stories, and IGTV and reels in high quality. Moreover, it not only provides you with many amazing features with no advertisement, but it’s also a worldwide social media network full of entertainment. Moreover, it’s a safe and secure platform that is used by millions of users. 

By virtue of high trends and the emerging use of social platforms for businesses, regular use is at its peak in 2023. Now, primarily people stay active on these platforms to show their presence. Although, like Facebook, Whatsapp, and LinkedIn, the users of Instagram are billion all around the globe. However, if you’re an Insta lover and looking for numerous features to add more beer and skittles, then you should take a stab at  Instander APK. 

Additionally, it’s a free app where you’re not merely allowed to download high-quality pictures, videos, and reels; in fact, you can also copy, comment, copy descriptions, and even bio; it’s really cool! Isn’t it? Let me clarify one thing; If you’re using the official Instagram app, then you’ll not be able to find all these features there. Let’s take some overview of this app in detail, which will make up your mind about why should you need to install this on your Android.

What’s an Instander APK?

Not only you, in fact, but there are also almost all people who might be facing some issues on your original Instagram account and looking for answers, like; why they’re not able to download posted videos and photos without a downloader and why they can’t get a verification badge. So, if you’re such a person who wants to resolve these issues and even looking for some stunning advanced features on your Instagram account, in that case, there is only one solution to all these problems, which is none of the others except Instander APK.

Features of Instander APK

The app is an alternative version of the IG application, which has been designed for Android users to get advanced features to enjoy more entertainment while talking with friends and scrolling down exciting content. All these features aren’t available on the official Instagram account, so you need to install a lot of downloaders which is quite annoying because we mostly just waste our time. After downloading the file of this app, you can enjoy yourself with friends, family, and colleagues and make your time worthwhile with this.

Dmitry Gavrilov is a highly passionate Android Developer from Russia who’s the founder of this marvelous creation. After the creation of this app, I must say that he’s such a super-talented and one of the outstanding people in the world who is capable of achieving whatever he wants! Version Info

Key Features of Instander APK

Instanter is a free modified application of the official Instagram. It comes with huge improvements, so it gives the user an edge over the official IG application. Let’s take a brief overview of this superb application so that you know why people are getting crazy about this. 

Super Easy to Download Pictures & Videos

Instagram is the biggest platform where you can view trending photos and videos every second. But sadly speaking, it doesn’t allow us to download videos and photos, which is really frustrating sometimes. So, although we can take screenshots from our Android for photos, what about favorite videos of our friends, top fans, and celebrities?  

For this, we often need a separate IG downloader; it not only occupies space on our device but, in fact, some downloaders contain viruses and too many ads, which is really annoying. Hence we need an application that can do all this in the easiest way, which isn’t except the Instander APK. You can easily download photos and funny videos in the blink of an eye with just one click. Sign or log in to your Insta ID with Instander and enjoy perks easily!

Hilarious Ghost Mode

The option of “Ghost Mode” is superb if you want to look mysterious to your friends and followers. Similarly to GB WhatsApp, you can disable typing status, and even you can hide your viewing activity from other people with this app. There are numerous other privacy features that you can turn on according to your desire. There is no such option available on the official Instagram. 

No more Unwanted Replies

We all have some individuals on our list who can’t wait to reply to their unwanted opinions on every post. So often, negative vibes dishearten us and ruin our whole day after sharing a post. So, with this fantastic application, you can choose whatever you want. Either you can allow message replies from everyone, or you may disable this option on your specific post. I personally love this feature, and owing to this; I’m a huge fan of this app. 

Instanter Hide Stories from Specific Followers

It’s pretty rife to share videos and images on the Instagram story option. But, the thing which we don’t like is that when we share any content on the story, then it pops up to your followers, and they can easily see it. You can’t share your story with only selected followers on the official IG. 

However, you can enjoy your privacy with the Instander; after installing this application, you don’t need to share all your pictures and videos with the public. Because with this tremendous application, you can hide your story from certain people at any time. So, this application provides a pretty good experience to their users. 

Easy to Hide Read Message

Sometimes we’re as busy as bees and not in a situation to reply to the unimportant text that we received from our friends. But, on the other hand, sometimes, not replying after a text is seen can create a sense of a little fight between you and your friend. You can easily handle this dilemma with this option exclusively available in the Instander APK. 

Ads Free Application

While spending time on Instagram, you may find many sponsored ads in the form of videos and images that consume your mobile data as regular videos. Moreover, watching ads is sometimes really annoying. While with this alternative version, you can turn on the ads block option and easily watch only important stuff on your feed alone. 

Cool Feature of Smart Gestures

Although it doesn’t seem much attractive but it’s a fact we use gestures on our androids to navigate things. The smart gesture control gives a really tremendous experience to those who like it. After installation of this version, you can do a lot of activities like swipe left, right, and zoom photos by double-tapping and long pressing on those.   

Discover People from Your Contact List

Sometimes we want to approach our friends on Instagram but have no idea about their unique id. With this application, you can easily find the Instagram accounts of any person who is already on your contact list and know more about their lives. 

Save Any Stories to the Archive

It’s another astonishing feature of Instaner APK. Let me tell you how sometimes we’ve limited storage on our devices and can’t download photos and videos in our mobile galley. So, in such a case, you can use this option; here, you can save your favorite images and videos in the archive section and view them anytime. 

Sharing is Easy

This Instander APK gives you more control over your feed post. Here you can turn off this option and don’t allow all people to share your feed post on their stories. I’m a big fan of this option because I’ve tried so many apps for this, but all in vain. Now, finally, I’m enjoying this on my Insta account. 

Wide Range of Search Content

As with IGTV, you can explore more popular and trending videos within one click. In addition, you can access a vast range of content from the search section, e.g., travel content, food images, videos, and even movies. 

Add Active Instagram People Only

As we use social accounts to make friends and share our content with them, it’s paramount to add only those most active followers. So this feature is also really helpful, especially for small and big online businesses. Because while growing and increasing followers for our Insta account, we want customers who must be active so that we get more comments and likes on each photo and video. So with this amazing app, it’s effortless to add active people only if you’re searching for new friends or want customers for your profile. If you want to increase 1000 of free Instagram followers for your account then you can click and download Top Follow APK!

Easy to Disable Auto-Play Videos

As an official, IG has a feature of auto-play video, which continuously plays one after another. This feature looks cool while using WIFI at home. However, we often use this app outside of our mobile data, so a lot of data is easily lost with auto-play video. So sometimes it becomes frustrating to package again and again. But after installing this app on your device, you no longer worry about this issue because you can turn off this option from your app setting easily with a single tap. 

More Cool Features

With this application, you can view stores in full-screen size and turn off auto-playing videos to save data. You can also hide posts and cropped stories from the privacy setting of this app. Additionally, you can disable analytics and load feed images in good resolution. You can explore more options from the privacy setting and then enable and disable them as per your need. 

How to Use Instander APK?

The use of this app is really simple and super easy; after installing the Instander APK latest version, you need to log in with your Insta account. After that, you can enjoy all new features for free of cost. Just click on the top 3 parallel bars given on your profile and change settings as you want. Make sure you’ve downloaded the latest version of this app for your Android because that comes with more features that might not be available on the old version of Instander APK. 

Click Here “How to Use Instander Apk for PC?

How Do You Open Developer Settings on Instander?

There are many people who want to open developer settings on Instadar. If you’re also looking for this answer and want to open developer settings on Instandar, then you can simply follow this below-mentioned youtube video. By following step by step, you can easily access this setting on your Android device. Follow this below mentioned video for more clarification.


It’s a modified or alternative version of Instagram which is designed and developed by 3rd-party developers. It’s an entirely free app with numerous features that aren’t available on the official Instagram application. After installing this app, you no longer need any downloader for downloading images, videos, and IGTV.

If you’re looking for more features like downloading images, videos and reels, and much more, then I would like to suggest you download Instander. It’s better than Instagram if you want more fun with your friends and family. Additionally, it’s faster than the official Instagram.

Although it’s an unofficial version of the original Instagram and has been designed and developed by 3rd party developers. But, honestly speaking, it’s 100% safe to use for users because the server which is used in this app is the same that is used with the official Instagram application.

Yes, obviously! It’s a totally free app. You no need to pay any type of subscription while running this app on your Android or PC. 

Dmitry Gavrilov is a highly passionate Android Developer from Russia who designed and developed this app.

Final Verdict

The official Instagram account has limited features, so Instander APK is the alternative version of IG, which provides you with advanced features. You can download any video, story, and many more with just one click. This app provides the best online experience, so it has the edge over the official IG. With the unlimited functionality of this app, you can make your connection with friends and family more worthwhile. So, buddy, just go up, click on the download file and make your time more entertaining with your friends!

About Author

By James

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